Going on a Journey…To the Center of My Mind

A Journey of Mindfulness and the Challenge of the Gap

It could be an interesting journey.

But I want to take you with me.

You see, I’m learning to navigate the intricacies of being mindful, releasing stress in healthy ways, and continuing a journey that I have been on for a few years…except I haven’t entirely taken anyone else on this journey.

Sure, I’ve shared a few things and you’ve seen the creative side of me. I’ve even remarked here and there on recent posts about using gratitude and abundance to improve upon life’s challenges.

But now…I’m going deeper. And well, honestly, I haven’t written much in the past couple years – not here, anyways. My journal, however, has absorbed the bulk of my sanguine thoughts and aspirations…and it’s partly because there are two things I can’t or won’t share much about: my day job and my husby. (The day job…well,  you never know when the boss is reading and I want to keep husby’s life private. Unless, of course, he starts his own blog. Then it’s all fair game.)

More than that, it’s been an issue of time. Sure, there are 168 hours in the week and I work roughly 50 of them. I sleep around another 56 of them. So…that leaves about 60 hours to work with, right? That still has to include cooking, eating, transitions (like getting ready for work), getting groceries, paying bills, cleaning, getting exercise, spending time with husby and/or family, and just plain ol’ down time.

If I’m completely honest, my day job isn’t exactly conducive to having the energy to run a marathon in the evenings, either. Me being an introvert and all.

But, I still want to commit to writing here more.

Reading a Book a Week

I recently read somewhere that if you read a book a week on your chosen subject, that you’ll read anywhere from 52-60 books per year (depending on how fast you read). And that if you keep that up for seven years, you will then become an expert in that subject.

Well…I can say that I have been drawn to positive psychology, personal development, success, and otherwise books known as “self-help” for a long, long time. I have no idea how many I’ve read, but the number is probably in the hundreds.

Everyone from Tolle to Chopra, Dyer to Maxwell, Pavlina to the Dalai Lama – and many, many, between – has occupied space in my brain from their words.

Their wisdom, their ideas, and their thoughs have indelibly imprinted their essence in my head. And coupled with my own life experience and my own perspective, I feel like, well…that I know a few things.

And I feel that now it’s time to share.

It’s an evolving process for sure. And I will continue to read. Continue to learn.

Getting Into the Gap

The above is a phrase for when you actually succeed in silencing the chatter of your inner mind. It’s otherwise known as meditation.

If you talked to me in October or November, I would have told you that I meditate for 15-20 minutes per day.

And I did. I really did.

In January or February, I increased that to 30 minutes. Partly to cope with the stress of my daily life and partly to cultivate something that just seems to work really well for me.

Recently, however, I’ve increased that time again to 45 minutes in the mornings.

Sure, it would be good to meditate again in the evenings, but…unless I want to fall asleep each time, it has to be in the mornings for now.

I want to share (in a future post) what’s happening with that. What I’m experiencing as a result of deciding to do that.

And well, I do want to build up to 8 hours. Not all the time. But maybe once or twice a month. Eight hours sitting on my tush? Yes, I can see your face right now. But you don’t have to do it. I’ll let you know how it goes.

Partly to see what will happen (other than a backside that fell asleep and got numb). Partly because I think I experience some serious happy energy from that process. And partly to see how my mind will evolve.

It’s interesting, too. While meditation is not this “miracle” thing, I can totally see why this practice has persisted for millennia. Since ancient times.

I think our ancestors were really on to something. They had a connection to their roots and beginnings that is not so easy to know now. With the advent of modern civilization, for all our conveniences (and I like my conveniences for sure), we’ve lost something. A connection with the energy field that is nature? A connection to self?

But, I already know it’s possible to reestablish that connection: through meditation, observation of silence, and spending time in nature, among other things.

So…here I am. Ready to share. And it’s going to be an interesting ride in what’s probably a beat-up car, clunckily rolling through the axions and dendrites of the neurons of my brain. If you’d like to come along and don’t mind the occasional sputtering and ear-splitting backfire, come along then and help me shift into second gear. I can’t promise the clutch will last the whole way, but coasting is allowed.


18 thoughts on “Going on a Journey…To the Center of My Mind

  1. Aw, so happy to see you here sharing a bit today and this year I also have made a conscious effort to read more books and so far have been averaging about 2-3 books a week, which is awesome for me. But sure it will slow a bit as the weather warms up, but still even 1 book a week would make me a happy girl! Happy Wednesday and sending some hugs you way now!!


    1. Janine – ah, thank you, sweeet friend! I hope you’re well. I love, love reading. I’m definitely a bibliophile and love, love it just so much. They know me at the library to not check out 1, 2 or even 5 books…it’s more like 10, 12, or 15. Eek! LOL.
      Happy Wednesday to you! Sending hugs.


  2. “…it’s going to be an interesting ride in what’s probably a beat-up car, clunckily rolling through the axions and dendrites of the neurons of my brain. If you’d like to come along and don’t mind the occasional sputtering and ear-splitting backfire, come along then and help me shift into second gear. I can’t promise the clutch will last the whole way, but coasting is allowed.
    love the visual! I’m totally there… (kinda like the Clampetts combine with Bonnie & Clyde… a touch of George Jetson and way lot of high-school-friends-in-the-parents-car-the-first-time.

    I believe I’ve said this on previous occasions, I’m glad I ‘met’ you here in the ‘sphere, if for no other reason that I’ve been privileged to be able to follow along, post-by-post, Facebook-by-facebook entry, call-in by call-in, ‘the Adventures of a Resourceful Young clarklike Woman Taking on the ‘World’…


    damn! I forgot there’s always a pop quiz in math for Commentationers!! ayieee! (multiplication this time!!)


    1. Clark – pop quiz accomplished! But you’re a realtor. So like…you do math – serious math – every day!
      And me…so very clarky…I’m learning to find just what that means and play on that! Ha!
      Didya like the car reference. Yeah, appealing to the male counterparts, there.
      Now you go relax that brain now, y’hear?


  3. I love your last line, Lil Sis, and I also love that you are always stretching your personal limits and trying new things and challenges…..in other words, I respect you. 🙂 Keep us posted and I will look forward to the next update.



    1. BB – hehe, J and I have been talking about his truck a lot that he’s about finished in fixing up. So…I guess that analogy is what stuck. Hehe. Am *trying* to do this more. I definitely know now that this is the direction I need to go in. 🙂
      Sending you hugs! Have fun “with all them chickens and avian friends!” Hehe.


  4. Sounds like a fun journey Cynthia. You might have inspired me to go longer with my meditations, but probably not 8 hours! 🙂
    May we thrive and bless others…


    1. Brad – ha! I *challenge* you: 8 hours of meditation…let’s say in two months. 😀
      But yes, I have increased a lot over the past year – partly to reduce stress and partly because I’m so intrigued at what it’s doing to me – for the better.
      I hope you’re well. Sending hugs!


  5. (apparently I failed the pop math quiz that’s a part of getting past security in Commentville!)
    Sorry… I’ll study harder next semester.
    I think all I said was, this is so cool.
    (and I’m glad I met you, here in the ‘sphere. and that while there is nothing like a shortage of information and even really good insights into the way to a good life, all of it pales when there is actual, real life living. You sharing of your efforts and your actions are the difference between, “well that certainly sounds like a good idea” and “my god! it works! you have self-improved yourself and shown how it’s done and not told how one might do it.)
    I’ll continue to stay here, following ‘the Adventures of the Determined and Resourceful clarklike Woman’

    (I got my calculator this time… bring it on!)


    1. Haha, nice adding, Clark. And, well, ya did it right the first time. My website was just testing your resolve. 😀
      I’m psyched to share more. Part of this website and the coloring website is me realizing a way to make it all come together. It’s an evolving process, but never complete. I will keep at it. Imperfectly, but very “clarkly” (hehe…when I was growing up, I used to live on a street called, “Clarksley”).
      Anyways, have fun and enjoy your evening. 😀


  6. (apparently I failed the pop math quiz that’s a part of getting past security in Commentville!)
    Sorry… I’ll study harder next semester.
    I think all I said was, this is so cool.
    (and I’m glad I met you, here in the ‘sphere. and that while there is nothing like a shortage of information and even really good insights into the way to a good life, all of it pales when there is actual, real life living. You sharing of your efforts and your actions are the difference between, “well that certainly sounds like a good idea” and “my god! it works! you have self-improved yourself and shown how it’s done and not told how one might do it.)
    I’ll continue to stay here, following ‘the Adventures of the Determined and Resourceful clarklike Woman’

    (I got my calculator this time… bring it on!)


  7. Perhaps one day you will instruct me on “how to meditate”. No. Really. I think I’ve tried in the past but I’m not thinking it worked because I sure did not achieve any clarity and did not get into any gap! lol But tell me if this is close – once upon a time, if I was “in a mood” or stressed, I would suddenly realize the carpets needed vacuuming. And so I’d pull out the ancient Hoover canister and start to vacuum. Often, I’d have the stereo blasting. (no, never turned it off) With 2 black labs there was never not a need to vacuum. 🙂
    After about 15 minutes I might suddenly notice, or if I was interrupted would notice, I had totally zoned out. No thought. A weird zen vacuuming wherein that was all there was. The act of vacuuming. My mind would be blank. No figuring going on, no memorizing to do lists and such. Nothing. Nada. Nunca. I’m thinking that might be the closest I’ve come to meditating. Personally, I like the idea of sitting to meditate 🙂
    You’ve been an inspiration and joy to “watch” these last couple of years Cyndi. I’ve been thankful you’ve shared your journey and success, challenges and changes.
    If meditating daily could provide me the energy to read a book a week? Sign me up!
    I don’t know how this comment turned out to be more about me than you, but next time you’re out driving? pick me up. I’ll be waiting down the street, at the corner 😀


    1. Beep, beep! Haha, Denise, that’s me honking to pick you up. 🙂
      You know, I’ve been wanting to write a post *just* on meditation. So, I’ll short-answer it here and long-answer it there. 🙂 Does that sound ok?
      But…if you had a blank mind when you were vacuuming with the radio, then you were doing it right.
      And even if not, whatever activity you do to help you be more mindful, then you’re doing it right. And even just sitting quietly – such as laying in bed staring out the window on a sleepy Saturday morning? Yeah, that counts. It all counts: whatever helps you find your bliss.
      I get that zoned out feeling when I spend time painting. Or drawing. Or having fun like that.
      Sending you hugs and I can’t wait to respond more to this in another post.


  8. Sweet friend! I am pleased to read about your goals, thoughts on positive psychology, and growing love of meditation. You are a beautiful soul and I know that whatever you put your mind to doing will turn out wonderful. How do I now that? Well just look at all of the support you have online and in person – we radiate to you and love you! ♥


    1. Christy – what a wonderful, thoughtful and awesomely awesome comment! YOU are a beautiful soul! I could say all the same things, too: you put your mind to stuff and just look at what happens! You have books and poetry and you’re spreading goodness galore! I ❤ you back! Thank you for stopping by, sweet friend!


  9. I’m still so impressed that you’ve committed to meditating every day and that it’s helping you relieve stress and be more mindful – it’s inspiring! 🙂 I have to say, I’ve lost my journey with meditation, because, well – life, new job, bla bla bla. Excuses… excuses. But, I really want to go further with my yoga practice and meditation play a lot into that. I would LOVE to read about how you worked your way up to 45 minutes. Where you sit, what you do when thoughts wander, do you drink water before or eat? I know – silly stuff, but I’m curious! I want to give it a try too, maybe not 45 minutes yet, but at least work my way up to 10 minutes. Anyway, just wanted to say I loved everything you’ve written in this post. Hope you’re having a great Saturday xx


    1. Melanie!! HUGS! I’m doing a series here on meditation, so yes, I will address that. But you gave me a title idea for an upcoming post. 😀 You definitely gave me some writing fodder – thank you! I’m going to start trying to work my way up to 60 minutes, but perhaps not til this summer. Hehe. Thanks for coming by!


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